
Showing posts from October, 2015

Go Hunting for Malware

Another Interesting Challenge from AISA CTF that I would like to blog about, is the final forensic challenge to find the following information, out of a malware infected system's memory dump The Process ID of the malicious process ? The Process ID of any spawned child processes ? The date and time of when the initial Process ID was created ? The attackers IP address ? The port number the victim is connecting back to ? The URL the user visited that let to the initial infection ? And was provided with the memory dump "memoryisthekey.dmp" So the above file is a RAM dump of the system after the infection, so then volatility is the best tool in further analyzing the dump First we need to identify what profile we need to use with volatility. example: WINXP or 7, etc So then i picked "Win7SP0x86", since there was not much changes between SP1 and SP0 memory storage Lets check the process tree to identify the malicious process Now the following processes were the ones i ...

Code review and Exploit

As a part of the exploitation challenge in AISA 2015 CTF was given connection details to an server & code which the server is running. Goal is to exploit and find an 64 bit flag Code snippet the server running File "my_stack", upon execution locally the following is the result This specific code has where exactly 1016 random bytes would print us the flag as per our "if" clause in the code snippet Now lets create an string of 1016 bytes Time to connect to the server and exploit We can see the 64 bit flag has been printed as per the code. Now we can further use the memory space to host our own payload for persistance.